Sunday, May 22, 2011

The earphones brands in Japan

dre beats

It is know to all that the monster beats by dre headhones is very nice in listening, it is acknowledged as one of the most top speakers all over the world. while in the huge Amercia markets, besides the dre beats headphones, there also have other brands from the world corner, The England brands, Germany Brands and also Japan brands. its know to all that the japanese imitating ability and studying ability is amazing, if you want to know some brands in Japan, see this passage.

The most high-class earphones amplifiers in Japan maybe is Lxuman P1. just as others famous amp, it is transistor designed. it is reach 10 kilogram in weight. it is the represent in Japanese amp. it only produced in Japan and 100v input power. The Audio-technica headphones is another nice studio brand. in the products line from the Audio-technica, the most famous headphones is W5000, with this headphones cooperate with HA5000 big amp(produced in Japan) and HA20 small amp(produced in China), you can enjoy a very different listening feeling. it is amazing.

If you want to make up the number of amount 3, the last brand we intorduced you is Stax. This studio brand have a long historical standing. they offer static earphones and static earphones drivers or said static amplifiers. the high top products from them are duntonic SRM-007T, 006T, transistor amp SRM-727 and so on. in the history of Stax, they have pushed a luxurious nonsuch static headphones driver as SRM-T2.

While the studio amplifiers maybe some big and a bit weight for general customers, that's why many of above brands is not known to public, while the small and light headphones is welcomed in the market, such as beats dr dre monster headphones.


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