Listening dre beats headphones tunes bring us good time Reading that sent lightning bolts through my spine, as there have been many times in my life when I've been sitting back, subconsciously waiting for the world to bring me the success I thought I wanted. To be completely honest with you, even now I sometimes find myself expecting someone else to 'set fire' to me, waiting for spontaneous combustion rather setting myself on fire and finding my own success.
What comprises success? How much of it is material? How much of it is emotional? How much of it is spiritual? Get specific about what success does and doesn't mean to you. What are you willing to do to get the kind of success you want? What are you waiting for the world to deliver to you so that you can have that success? The truth is that things happen much easier and more readily if we don't struggle, suffer or assume unhappiness the assumption that you need to struggle or fight for your success is a false one. Real success comes much easier and becomes more consistent when you operate straight from that place of success instead of assuming it's out there in the world somewhere. Go after what's important to you and get going on all those shiny things you'd love to have do you should love to shareing the time on monster headphones and be in life but recognise how much more pleasure able it's going to be when you're feeling happy when you use beats by dre and successful rather than unhappy and unsuccessful. Don't wait for spontaneous combustion or for someone to set light to you.
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